About The Books

The Book of Life

Daniel Timothy Bridegroom presents the Bible to mankind as a pure language. The Spirit of Truth given to Daniel directs him to write to man, to “Restore” God back to him. The hope is to exalt God and become God’s child. Everlasting life is the reward! God calls man back to the mountains, our quiet resting place. Then man has the ability to humble himself and return to God’s perfect covenant.

The Book of Life is surely a warning because God’s elect has made the days shorter. God’s Word is the Pure Language, and the Bridegroom’s Voice is God’s Knowledge. Remember to ask for God’s wisdom to understand His truths.

Justice to Victory

Only God is perfect, and Daniel Timothy Bridegroom’s quest is for the truth in humanity. He sees what has happened in the world and knows the only cure for man is to “Return” to God. His hand has brought Daniel from rags to riches, giving him hope in his Creator.

The Book of Remembrance

Therefore I urge you, imitate me. 4:16 For This Reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is My Beloved and Faithful Son in The Lord, who will remind you of My Ways in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church. 17 That The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of Glory, may give to you The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in The Knowledge of Him, Ephesians 1:17 The Eyes of your Understanding being Enlightened; that you may know The Hope of His Calling, what are the riches of The Glory of His Inheritance in The Saints.

The Sure Mercies of David

Behold, You Desire Truth in The Inward Parts, and in The Hidden Part You will make Me to Know Wisdom. 6 Purge Me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash Me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 7 Make Me hear Joy and Gladness, that the bones You have broken may rejoice. 8 Hide Your Face from My sins, and blot out all My iniquities. 9 Create in Me a clean heart, O God, and Renew A Steadfast Spirit within Me. 10

O Mountains of Israel Hear The Word of The Lord God!

O Mountains of Israel Hear The Word of the Lord God! God inspired, The Voice of The Bridegroom back at work, The Spirit of Truth using God’s Word to show man their chosen future. Selah. Asking man to Return to The Living God.

Man has no thought what God has prepared for them. But God’s Word has determined what is going to happen for the people of the earth. You make The Choice, will you believe in His Words, and Return to The Lord?

Or will you reject The Living God and follow sin. The Devil has played man way to long. Man needs to know what’s best for them. Righteousness is’The Way’!

Fear God, for he who Fears God will come forth of them all.

Rejoice in The Lord always, again I say Rejoice. Exalt The King of Kings. God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but through Him the world might be saved. Yahweh is for us, let us be glad and rejoice!


A Lamp For My Anointed

It always keeps me on the edge to see what The Lord has to say. The Lamp is a way David’s seed receives God’s Blessing. Mankind needs to open their eyes and ears to The Word of God.

God’s anointed calls out to man; for all to Return to The Lord. He calls man to receive The Spirit from The Father, God our maker. A right spirit and a contrite heart is the sacrifice of Man.

God’s outstretched arms are ready to receive us. The Voice of The Bridegroom again teaches us God’s knowledge. And David will Shepherd Us., what a blessing! The Lord knew we would reach this point, where we needed Him to Redeem Us. Amen Yahweh!